Thursday, September 15, 2011

How easy or hard is it to change a clutch in a fiat punto 55 and about how much is the part.?

It all depends on how much you know about cars.If you know

nothing about how they work then i would suggest taking it

to a local garage for an estimate.No point in trying to do it

yourself and making a dogs breakfast of the job,you might do more damage without knowing and it will cost you more money in the long run.
How easy or hard is it to change a clutch in a fiat punto 55 and about how much is the part.?
Trust me mate, i'm 15 and i know that it has a bugger to do, you need to take the gearbox case off, and that is really really heavy, u also need to take of the flywheel which the clutch is attached to, if you put the clutch in the wrong way you will have 5 reverse gears and one forward gear. Mate get a garage to do it, it is a nightmare to do.
How easy or hard is it to change a clutch in a fiat punto 55 and about how much is the part.?
For a profesionnal it's an easy car for an smsnteur is a tough part because you need experience to do that and tools. Also you need special tools so you will put i center the cluch into the flyweel. The part costs about 80-100鈧?and includes the cluch set and bearing.