Saturday, June 4, 2011

How do you change a clutch in a 1982 toyota supra?

Like dropping the transmission and taking out and replacing the clutch with a new one.|||First off, spend the money for a Haynes manual $22 so you will have all the torque specs and know where to and where not to apply lubrication for moving parts, and how to center the clutch disc so you can get the trans to pop back in place. Also plan to have your flywheel machined flat (machine shop) to reduce the chances of premature wear and clutch shudder.|||%26quot;Like dropping the transmission and taking out and replacing the clutch with a new one.%26quot;

Yeah, pretty much that.|||you got it in one !|||THAT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE|||I would try It can link your question to experts in the field who give you exact complete answer. I asked some questions and received excellent experts feedback. Hope that helps.